Tips to write the perfect introduction for the IELTS writing task

Tips to write the perfect introduction for the IELTS writing task

The introduction of an article plays a vital role in capturing the reader’s interest. It paves the way for the rest of the article. Now, when you go to any event, how you introduce yourself to others matters a lot. It helps to make the first impression on others. Similarly, when, you are attempting your IELTS writing task you have to make sure you put effort into penning down the perfect introduction. You need to captivate the interests of the reader through it. A good introduction will boost your chances of scoring a high band score in the writing section of the IELTS exam.


When you start writing for your assigned task you need to make sure you introduce the reader to the main idea of the topic effortlessly. There is no doubt in the fact that sometimes the hardest part of writing an article can be the introduction. Now,  if you follow the tips listed in this article you will surely be able to ace this challenging part. Now if you are preparing for the IELTS exam then consider seeking the Best IELTS institute in Jalandhar to get all your doubts cleared by a team of well-experienced professionals.

Look at the below tips on how to write the perfect introduction to gain a good band score in the IELTS writing task:

Hook your reader

So the first tip to writing the perfect introduction is to make sure you’re able to hook the reader into the topic you are writing about. You should avoid providing dry facts or too much factual information in the introduction. That will make your introduction sound too boring. Try making a bold claim about why it is important to ponder upon the topic. Use a good range of vocabulary and try to sound clear and concise.

For example-

Millions of Indians use the internet these days.

Internet technology has now penetrated deep into the homes of a wide number of Indians.

Now, compare both introductions. The first one sounds too dry and simple. But the second one helps set the right tone by making a dry fact sound interesting. So, this is how you have to ensure to hook the reader into your article. It will surely boost your chances of scoring a good band score in the IELTS writing module.

Provide some background information.

Now the next thing to ensure is to provide a good context of the topic you are writing about. You can write broad information but it should be written clearly. In most cases, you need to mention both the pros and cons of the particular topic. But in the introduction, you cannot put forward arguments in favor or against the topic. You just have to provide the reader with a basic outline of the topic. You have to provide a strong base to begin your arguments in the next parts of the article.

Review your introduction

Another important thing to keep in mind is to re-read your introduction once you have finished writing the essay. While writing the introduction you might have planned a particular way to write the article. But you changed your mind while writing the article. So, you have to re-read the introduction to make sure it matches the context of your essay.

Be creative

Often students commit a common mistake while attempting the writing task of the IELTS exam. They copy the whole statement of the task and write it in their introduction. It will make the examiner think that you don’t have enough range of vocabulary to write the introduction on your own which is why you had to resort to copying it from the task. See, this will decrease your chances of scoring a good band score.

Writing the perfect introduction is vital for all language tests like PTE, TOEFL, etc. If you wish to get a good score in the PTE exam consider joining the Best PTE Institute in Jalandhar and put forward your best efforts.

Wrapping Up

To wrap up, a good introduction is vital to hook the examiner into reading your article carefully. Undoubtedly, it can be challenging to pen down the perfect introduction. You need to captivate the interests of the reader through it. But if you read the above tips carefully it will be a cakewalk for you to do so and thus get a good band score in the writing module of the IELTS exam.

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