Hungry After Eating? Know Why and How to Correct It

Hungry after eating


Do you ever feel hungry after eating? Just after you have finished eating, it might be really confusing and frustrating. If you want to change and improve your well-being, you have to understand the reasons for this feeling. We’ll see the reasons for this and possible solutions in this article.

Why do I still feel hungry after eating?

There could be many reasons for you to still feel hungry after you eat. The greatest culprits are your foodstuffs. A meal comprised of poor fiber, less protein, or unhealthy fat does not last as long as a full one. For instance, you may feel fuller for a little while after consuming high amounts of processed or sugary foods, but it tends to bring down your blood sugar levels relatively fast, which will get you hungry again.

Another factor is dehydration. Sometimes, your body may misread thirst for hunger and start making you feel hungry when you’re only thirsty.

Sleep deprivation and stress may also be important contributors. These factors make you feel hungrier than usual by disrupting hormones like ghrelin and leptin that regulate hunger. Moreover, eating too quickly can make your brain less likely to detect fullness, so you’re left asking, “Why do I feel hungry after eating?”

Why Do You Feel Hungry After Eating Protein?

Although it is rare, in some situations, you could feel the need to get more nutrients after consuming some protein. This can arise if the protein taken remains minimal or the kind of protein is of inferior quality. Furthermore, upon taking your protein with reduced amounts of fats or even carbohydrates, you are likely not to feel happy. For instance, grilled chicken breast, often served by itself without accompanying veggies and healthy fats, likely makes a person unhappy.

Yet, there is a simple explanation. You are giving your body more energy; it just might be doing more than you’re actually intaking through your foods. You may be incredibly active or have an enormous metabolism. You can start looking into the reason when ever you wonder, “Why am I hungry after eating protein?” Check out that the entire meal was very balanced.

Why Am I Hungry After Eating? Some Common Causes

The following are some of the most common reasons for post-meal hunger:

  • Content of Meals: You tend to feel hungry after taking meals that are low in fiber, protein, and good fats.
  • You feel hungry When you are thirsty if you are dehydrated.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: You tend to feel hungry if your ghrelin and leptin levels are imbalanced.
  • You eat too fast, and your brain fails to realize that you have eaten enough.
  • Hunger and cravings can be affected by stress or lack of sleep.

How to Deal With Your Hunger After You’ve Eaten

Try the following easy fixes if you tend to get hungry after eating:

  • Make Sure Protein Is First: Protein should be included in your diet at every meal. Foods that may help you go longer between meals include eggs, poultry, fish, tofu, and beans.
  • Add fiber-rich foods: Fiber delays digestion and enhances the feeling of being full. Ensure your diet includes whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Add Healthy Fats: Feeling full requires fats. Add sources to your meals, such as avocado, olive oil, almonds, and seeds.
  • Keep Yourself Hydrated: To avoid confusing thirst with hunger, drink water throughout the day.
  • Eat Slowly: Slow down in chewing and eating. Your brain can process fullness.
  • Control your sleep and stress. Learn stress-reducing techniques, such as yoga or meditation, and aim to have seven to nine hours of quality sleep every night.

How to Seek Help

It may be advisable to see a doctor if, after changing your diet, you cannot stop feeling hungry a few hours after eating. There may be diseases like hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and some dietary deficiencies that result in this condition. Maybe a doctor or a dietitian can help you identify the root cause and give you a specific program.


It is normal to feel hungry after eating; however, it could easily be prevented with very minor adjustments in diet and lifestyle. You will make more intelligent choices when you know whether you are hungry due to stress, dehydration, or something in your meals. The next time you wonder, “Why am I hungry after eating?” keep these suggestions in mind to continue feeling full and protect your well-being.

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