How to Add Charts in React Using Chart.js, Recharts, & ECharts

How to Add Charts in React Using Chart.js, Recharts, & ECharts

Visualizing data is crucial for building intuitive and engaging user interfaces, especially in React applications. Chart libraries provide a powerful way to transform raw data into actionable insights via stunning visuals. This blog post will guide you step-by-step on how to create charts in React using three popular charting libraries—Chart.js, Recharts, and ECharts.

By the end of this article, you’ll know how to set up your React project, integrate these libraries, and create compelling charts that bring your data to life.

Why Use Chart Libraries in React?

Gone are the days when developers built custom charts from scratch. Odoo Implementation help save time and effort while maintaining scalability and functionality. With libraries like Chart.js, Recharts, and ECharts, you can effortlessly create responsive, dynamic, and visually appealing charts that elevate the user experience.

These libraries integrate seamlessly with React, making them popular among developers, web designers, and data analysts. Whether you’re visualizing a company’s sales growth, representing customer demographics, or monitoring live metrics, these libraries simplify your workflow without compromising on quality.

What You’ll Need

Before we jump into the code, ensure you have the following:

  • Basic understanding of React and JavaScript (ES6+).
  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine.
  • A code editor (e.g., VS Code).

With everything ready, let’s get started.

Setting Up Your React Project for Charting

To add a chart to your React app, you’ll need a functioning React project. If you don’t already have one, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize a React App

Open your terminal and run the following:


npx create-react-app react-charting

cd react-charting


  • Install Dependencies

Each charting library requires specific npm packages. Install the required dependencies as per the library you wish to use. For example:

  • Chart.js:


npm install chart.js react-chartjs-2


  • Recharts:


npm install recharts


  • ECharts:


npm install echarts-for-react


Once installation is complete, you’re ready to start integrating charts.

Integrating Chart.js in React

Chart.js is a lightweight yet powerful charting library, perfect for creating simple yet aesthetically pleasing charts like bar, line, and pie charts.

Basic Example with Chart.js

Here’s how to integrate Chart.js in a React app:

  1. Import Required Components

First, import components from `react-chartjs-2` and `chart.js`:


import React from “react”;

import { Line } from “react-chartjs-2”;


  • Set Up Chart Data

Define the chart data and configuration:


const data = {

labels: [“January”, “February”, “March”, “April”, “May”],

datasets: [


label: “Sales”,

data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56],

backgroundColor: “rgba(75,192,192,0.4)”,

borderColor: “rgba(75,192,192,1)”,

borderWidth: 1,





  • Render the Chart

Use the `Line` component to render the chart:


const ChartExample = () => (


<h2>Sales Overview</h2>

<Line data={data} />



export default ChartExample;


With just a few lines of code, you’ve created an elegant line chart using Chart.js!

Building Charts with Recharts

Recharts is a robust library specifically built for React. It’s easy to use and supports responsive charts by default.

Recharts Example with a Bar Chart

Here’s how you can set up a bar chart with Recharts:

  1. Import and Set Up

Import `BarChart`, `Bar`, `XAxis`, `YAxis`, and `Tooltip` components from Recharts:


import React from “react”;

import { BarChart, Bar, XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip, ResponsiveContainer } from “recharts”;


  • Prepare Data

Your data should be in an array format:


const data = [

{ name: “Jan”, sales: 4000 },

{ name: “Feb”, sales: 3000 },

{ name: “Mar”, sales: 2000 },

{ name: “Apr”, sales: 2780 },

{ name: “May”, sales: 1890 },



  • Render the Chart

Plug your data into `BarChart`:


const BarChartExample = () => (

<ResponsiveContainer width=”100%” height={300}>

<BarChart data={data}>

<XAxis dataKey=”name” />

<YAxis />

<Tooltip />

<Bar dataKey=”sales” fill=”#8884d8″ />




export default BarChartExample;


Thanks to its reactive and declarative API, Recharts makes it simple to build impactful bar charts.

Creating Dynamic Visualizations with ECharts

ECharts is a highly customizable library that supports advanced features such as heatmaps, 3D charts, and dynamic visualizations.

ECharts Example with a Pie Chart

Follow these steps to create a responsive pie chart:

  1. Import ECharts Components

Import `ReactECharts` from `echarts-for-react`:


import React from “react”;

import ReactECharts from “echarts-for-react”;


  • Define Chart Options

ECharts uses an `options` object to configure charts:


const options = {

title: {

text: “Revenue Distribution”,

left: “center”,


tooltip: {

trigger: “item”,


series: [


name: “Revenue”,

type: “pie”,

radius: “50%”,

data: [

{ value: 1048, name: “Product A” },

{ value: 735, name: “Product B” },

{ value: 580, name: “Product C” },

{ value: 484, name: “Product D” },






  • Render the Chart

Use the `ReactECharts` component:


const PieChartExample = () => (

<ReactECharts option={options} style={{ height: 400 }} />


export default PieChartExample;


ECharts is perfect for creating detailed data visualizations with minimal effort.

Bring Your Data to Life with React Chart Libraries

By integrating Chart.js, Recharts, or ECharts into your apps, you can create sophisticated, responsive, and visually appealing user interfaces. Each library offers unique features tailored to different needs—from lightweight charts with Chart.js to dynamic 3D visualizations with ECharts. Choose the one that best fits your project and start building stunning charts today!

Whether you’re creating dashboards for data analysts or exciting visuals for end users, these libraries ensure you stay ahead in the game.

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