10 Reasons Why Your Credit Card Was Rejected Indeed with A Great Credit Score

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How numerous calls do you get from credit card companies in a day? Numerous, right? It is since a credit card is the most straightforward investment + write for us frame of credit one can get nowadays, and it is too fast trade for the banks. It is an unsecured credit that does not require you to give collateral like arrive, house, or offers to the bank.

Financing companies calculate your dependability by your compensation and existing obligation commitments. Other than, it is common information that credit or CIBIL™ score plays a significant part in getting a credit card. It acts as a report card and gives an outline of all current and past credits. Based on the number of credits, request, and reimbursement track record, it gives a score between 300 and 900. Your point ought to be a score over 750 to dodge credit card application dismissal. Be that as it may, is that sufficient? Nothing to stress, since Shriram Fund is here to help!

Let us consider a circumstance. Assume you have went through the final few a long time building a great credit score and paying all your levy on time without defaulting. Presently, you wish to apply for another credit card. The application has been pending for a few days, and at last, it got rejected! Yes, it is stunning, and yes, it Getting Mortgage Approved can happen to anybody. You will think why was my credit card denied indeed with a great credit score? Let us get it why.

Why was my credit card application rejected?

Every bank has its inside criteria for issuing credit cards. Essentially, they consider compensation, obligation, age, work involvement, etc., along with the credit report. Your credit score may be great, but the credit cards can get rejected. The credit card can get declined If you fall flat to meet indeed one measure. Presently, let us get it these reasons for credit card rejection

1. Your Salary May Not Be Tall Enough

Every bank needs a least pay that they set to handle the credit card application assist. They inquire for compensation slips, ITRs, Frame 16, etc., along with the application as pay confirmation. If the compensation is deficiently to pay back the obligation, at that point it will be the reason for the credit card application dismissal straight absent. Too, if the salary is unsteady or there is visit exchanging of employments, at that point the bank can decrease the credit card application.

2. You Have As well Much Debt

Banks or loan specialists calculate the debt-to-income proportion. A tall proportion shows that there is an existing things of abundance obligation, and the reimbursement capacity is not satisfactory to pay it back. In such a case, the banks will choose that we cannot handle more credit, and it can lead to our credit card application rejection.

3. You As of now Have As well Numerous Credit Cards

We may ponder why our credit card application gets rejected indeed with great credit. The loan specialist knows how numerous credit cards the candidate has from the credit report. If we have a tall number of cards as of now, it appears that we cannot oversee our funds well, and this comes about in our credit card application dismissal. We can too get hailed as a high-risk client by the bank for being unreasonably credit-hungry.

4. Your Credit Report Has Not Been Overhauled Recently

Occasionally, circumstances emerge where we near certain credits or credit cards. But these changes are not promptly reflected in our credit reports. Overhauling records can take a few weeks. Subsequently, it is fitting to work out tolerance and hold up for these upgrades to show up some time recently reapplying for a credit or credit card. Coming up short to do so may possibly result in a credit card application dismissal for having as well numerous existing credits, indeed when that may not precisely reflect your current money related situation.

5. As well Before long Since Your Final Credit Card

If we apply for another credit card as well before long, the bank distinguishes us as somebody who overspends or can’t oversee accounts shrewdly. The perfect hole between two credit cards ought to be at slightest 6 months or more. The more the time hole, the superior our chances of getting the modern credit card affirmed. If we are asking or applying as well habitually, in spite of great credit, your credit card may get declined.

6. You Have Connected for As well Much Credit

Since the credit card companies drag a difficult request on our credit report once the application is gotten, it brings down our credit score incidentally. Be that as it may, different applications will cause genuine hurt to the credit score and inevitably result in credit card application rejection.

7. You Defaulted on a Credit Card Installment a Long Time Back

Lenders need to know whether we have been reimbursing our credit card contribution in the past or not. It appears that we are dependable and reliable borrowers. Be that as it may, making late or missed installments habitually will lead to dismissal of credit card applications.

8. When You Max Out Your Credit Cards

Ideally, a credit card ought to be utilized as it were up to 30 to 40% of the credit constrain at any given time. If we max out or completely use the constrain exceptionally regularly, at that point it is detailed by the credit bureaus and reflects adversely on our credit score. The overutilisation of credit cards shows that we depend on them to oversee our costs. It is a ruddy hail for banks. This can get our credit card declined indeed with a great credit score.

9. Botches in Your Application

We ought to fill out an application shape containing imperative subtle elements, such as our communication address and number, office address and number, work subtle elements, existing credit card data, etc. Along with the frame, we ought to yield KYC archives, compensation slips, ITRs, Frame 16, etc. If we miss out on any of the over, indeed with a great score, our credit card application is obligated to get rejected.

10. You have not been at your current work for long enough

One of the reasons for credit card application dismissal is the brief term of the current work. Being in a work for less than 6 months can get us. It is superior to be in the work for at slightest 6 months to a year to dodge credit card application rejection.


Even with a incredible credit score, you can still be declined for a credit card for different reasons. You ought to keep up a tall credit score by paying all your EMIs and credit card contribution on time. In any case, you must moreover keep in intellect to check other variables like filling out the credit card application shape in arrange or not applying as well as often as possible to maintain a strategic distance from the credit card application getting declined

You may have a great credit score but you can still keep getting denied for a credit card. There are other things not in your hands, such as the credit report not being upgraded. Moreover, a credit card application dismissal will bring down your credit score. So, to dodge this, you must do due perseverance on your portion and continuously keep up sound credit needs.

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